Boldenone Undecylenate by BM Pharmaceuticals: A better steroid for bigger and stronger muscles!

Boldenone Undecylenate is a derivative of testosterone that carries the undecylenate ester which gives Boldenone an active half-life of 15 days. Boldenone was first released in 1958 by Searle Laboratories. It is a versatile anabolic steroid and can be used both in bulking and cutting cycles.

Boldenone binds to the cytosolic receptor known as the Androgen Receptor (AR). The AR is part of a complex located in skeletal muscle cells called nuclei. Once the boldenone has bound to the AR it begins to activate protein synthesis which leads to larger muscles after repetitive workouts have taken place.

What is Boldenone Undecylenate?

Boldenone Undecylenate is an injectable steroid produced by BM Pharmaceuticals (also known as Bold Series or Bold Cyp 200). It was created to treat cancer and HIV patients. It is also effective in treating the cardiovascular system.

Boldenone can be used for cutting cycles, bulking, mass gaining and strength gains. It has only low androgenic activity (similar to Dianabol), but its anabolic activity is five times higher than that of testosterone. Bold series also contains nandrolon decanoate, trenbolon mix, cypionat 250 enanthate.

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What can you expect from Boldenone Undecylenate?

Boldenone Undecylenate will add strength and mass while keeping body fat low during a cutting phase. It can also greatly enhance vascularity, making it a good choice for a pre contest or photo shoot cycle when definition is needed. Boldenone Undecylenate is not an optimal steroid for bulking or off-season periods, because it will not add significant amounts of mass. It also enhances protein synthesis which leads to larger equipoise side effects muscle development after heavy workouts have taken place.

What is the recommended dosage for Boldenone Undecylenate?

Boldenone Undecylenate is a very potent steroid so recommended dosages are normally between 100mg-200mg per week. It has been successfully used in doses of 25mg every other day, however the half-life might be too short for some athletes to get a good result with this dosage. When injecting Boldenone every 3-4 days 600-800 mg should be taken.

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What are the stacking options for Boldenone Undecylenate?

Boldenone Undecylenate can be stacked with a variety of different anabolic steroids, without losing its effectiveness. It stacks well with testosterone propionate (100-150mg every 3-4 days), Equipoise (400mg per week) and Nandrolon Phenypropinate (75-100mg every 2 days). Generally, it mixes well with all anabolic steroids.

What are the benefits of using Boldenone Undecylenate?

Boldenone can increase nitrogen retention, protein synthesis and red blood cell count, all of which are associated with increased arguments in the body. Boldenone is also effective in treating cardiovascular system problems because it can improve lipid profiles by lowering LDL cholesterol levels while increasing HDL levels. Boldenone Undecylenate is commonly used for cutting cycles when definition is desired.

What are the possible side effects of Boldenone Undecylenate?

Boldenone has very low androgenic activity but still carries a progestin nature. This can make water retention or fat gain more likely when using it in excess dose or for extended periods of time. It can decrease natural testosterone production, so athletes often add HCG or Clomid to their cycles. Also, based on product reviews, it has the potential to be toxic to the liver, and can cause estrogenic effects such as gynocomastia and increased water retention.

Product reviews for Boldenon Undecylenate by BM Pharmaceuticals:

  1. Oliver Lim (June 1, 2021): Boldenone Undecylenate is a very good cutting steroid, it maintains the hardness and leaves the muscles without water. It is a good product that stacks very well with another steroid! Thanks, BM!
  2. Rodrigo Fernandes (August 30, 2021): Boldenone Undecylenate is one of my favorite anabolic steroids because it gives me great results with strength gain and little water retention. Also, I had a lot of strength gains before my workouts. It is a strong anabolic steroid, but it only gives me good results if I stack it with testosterone propionate.
  3. Richard Santos (May 25, 2021): Boldenone is a very good anabolic steroid for strength gains and muscle growth. It also helps you keep a low body fat percentage since it’s a powerful cutting agent. Usually, I take 200mg per week and sometimes I reduce the dose to 150mg because Bold Series has great effects. It works really well as part of my pre contest cycle when I have to get ripped fast.
  4. Juan Vascular (March 14, 2021): Boldenone Undecylenate by BM Pharma is a very good anabolic steroid. I’m currently on my second cycle and it works like a charm. I take Bold Series one week every two weeks for 8 weeks and it melts fat and leaves muscle with no water or fat retention at all.
  5. Efren Holguin (October 4, 2021): Boldenone undecylenate 200mg is a very high-quality steroid that produces solid results with little water retention. It also helps me keep the strength in my workouts so I can lift heavy all the way through without loss of strength as some other steroids do. For about 2 years it has been one of my favorite and go to anabolics . The delivery time was surprisingly quick, and packaging is discreet!
  6. Iris Garcia (March 16, 2021): My husband takes bold series by bm pharma for 3 weeks every two weeks for 8 weeks. He likes the fact that it causes very little water retention or fat gain so he can stay ripped while gaining strength and muscle size.
  7. Ismael Meza (October 17, 2021): I’m on my third cycle Bold Series and I never thought I would say this, but this is one of my favorite anabolics. I have tried many types of steroids but only Boldenone works for me because it gives me great muscle gains and strength without water retention or fat gain. On cycle, at about 200mg Bold Serie per week, I maintain a good 5-6% BF level and low % body fat throughout the whole cycle whereas other steroids make me lose definition and get soft as soon as I reduce the dosage.
  8. Jacob Mester (June 2, 2021): I’m on my second bottle of BM Pharmaceuticals Boldenone Undecylenate 200mg which I will take until the end of the year because I like stacking this steroid with Equipoise. Boldenone undecylenate is a great product, also with good customer service and fast delivery from anabolic pharma.
  9. Marcos Gomez (August 19, 2021): I’m on my third cycle of Boldenon 200mg Bold Serie and this time I am taking it with Equipoise because I had great results with Boldenon alone last year. However, the main reason why I decided to stack them is because equipoise gives me a nice boost of energy which I lacked before when on boldenone only. The strength gains are very high while the water retention is fairly low which makes a perfect combination for cutting cycles or bulking cycles.
  10. Joseph Gomez (August 21, 2021): Boldenone undecylenate Bold Series is one of the best anabolic you can buy if you want to cut fat and build lean, dry muscle. It gives also great strength gains without water retention. I really love this product perfectly working on my body!
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It’s simply a great steroid!

Boldenone Undecylenate by BM Pharmaceuticals is a perfect steroid for cutting cycles or bulking cycles. It provides great strength gains and lean muscle gain without water retention thanks to its high anabolic activity. It also helps keep a low body fat percentage, which makes it a powerful cutting agent. Boldenone undecylenate is one of the best anabolic you can buy if you want to cut fat and build lean, dry muscle.